Soren Blank



Designer Portfolio / Abdulla Khan
A portfolio website that I have made for my designer friend Abdulla, using NextJS, TailwindCSS, and MDX for blogs.
Designer Portfolio / Abdulla Khan This is a portfolio website that I have made for my designer friend Abdulla Khan. He wanted a simple and elegant portfolio website to showcase his design projects and blog posts. I used Next.js, TailwindCSS, and MDX to build the website, focusing on creating a clean and user-friendly interface. The project allowed me to apply my full-stack development skills and learn more about design principles. I used Next.js to build the website, focusing on creating a fast and scalable web application. The project helped me understand the importance of user experience and visual design in portfolio websites. I also learned about responsive web design and cross-browser compatibility while working on this project. Overall, it was a great learning experience that helped me improve my skills as a web developer.